„Forest Rally Druskininkai 2024“
2024-10-11 (Friday):
14:00-18:30 - Arrival of participants in Druskininki. Hotel "Dalija", Laisvė square 21, Druskininkai.
15:00 - Opening of the service area. Parking lot, Aušros st., Druskininkai.
2024-10-12 (Saturday):
08:00 - MEDIA center opens. Hotel "Dalija", Laisvė square 21, Druskininkai.
08:00-09:30 - Parking cars in the pre-start zone Vasario 16-osios St., Druskininkai.
09:00 - Meeting of participants. Vilniaus al., Druskininkai.
09:30-11:00 - Opening ceremony. Vilniaus al., Druskininkai.
16:00 - Meeting of participants, Vasario 16-osios str., Druskininkai.
18:00 - Awards ceremony
Event information:
1. All information about the competition is published at www.forestrally.lt
2. The speed sections will be announced on 07.10.2024 (Monday) at 6 p.m. https://forestrally.lt/dalyviams/zemelapiai/.
3. The rally paraphernalia campus will be located in the participants' service area on 12.10.2024 from 9:00 a.m.
4. Safety memo for rally spectators https://forestrally.lt/ziurovams/saugumas/.
2024 October 11