Medžio drožėjų pleneras „Lietuviško ąžuolo pasaka“

in 2024 July 29 - August 2 The open-air exhibition of woodcarvers "The Tale of the Lithuanian Oak" is dedicated to crosswork. Due to its vitality and vigor, artistic maturity and the special place it occupies in the life of an individual and the community, in 2008 Crosswork and the symbolism of crosses in Lithuania are included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Traditional Lithuanian crosses are a unique phenomenon. It is a kind of synthesis of craft, art and faith, which combines elements of architecture, sculpture, blacksmithing and painting.

During the plein air, 2 crosses of Leipalingis and 2 Viečiūnai parishes will be restored, which are examples of old cross-making, reflecting the traditions of cross-making in Dzūkija. The works of restoring the crosses will take place near the Viečiūnai community center (Jaunystės st. 17, Viečiūnai).

Wood carvers, who will participate in the plein air:

  • artist, certified craftsman, laureate of the republican competitive exhibition "Golden Wreath" Gintautas Akstinas (Druskininkai)
  • folk artist, winner of the republican competition exhibition "Golden Wreath" Artūras Janickas (Alytus)
  • folk artist Vytautas Dabrukas (Druskininkai)
  • folk artist, winner of the regional tour of the republican competition exhibition "Golden Wreath" Juozas Videika (Jurbarkas)

July 29 2-5 p.m.

July 30 - August 1 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. | 2-5 p.m.

Closing of the plein air - August 2. 6 p.m. In the center of the Viečiūnai community.

The project is financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture, Druskininkai Municipality Partners: Viečiūnai Eldership, Leipalingis Eldership

Meant for audience:  kids , teenagers , adults , seniors