59 Piano Summer | Pianist Motiejs Bazaras

59th Summer of Piano Music – a piano music festival nurturing the tradition of music sharing created by composer and artist M. K. Čiurlionis – invites you to return to the apple orchard!

As every year, from St. John's Day until September, every Wednesday and Saturday, the apple orchard of the Čiurlionis House-Museum in Druskininkai will host renowned Lithuanian pianists of all generations, who will present their latest creative pursuits. One of them is pianist Motiejus Bazaras.


Parafrazė „Miško Viesulas“

Borys LYATOSHYNSKY (1895–1968)
5 preliudai, op. 44:
Lugubre ma non troppo lento
Lento e tranquillo
Allegro agitato
Andante Sostenuto

Juozas GRUODIS (1884–1948)
Keturios pjesės:
„Lietuviškas šokis“
„Skudučių šokis“

Sonata–baladė, op. 18


Tickets priced at 3 and 5 euros can be purchased before the concert at the Čiurlionis House-Museum, Čiurlionio g. 35, Druskininkai.


Motiejus Bazaras was born in 1987 into a musical family. He studied at J. Naujalis Music Gymnasium (under Rymantė Šerkšnytė), J. Gruodis Conservatory (under Sonata Bielionytė). He furthered his studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre with Prof. Zbignevas Ibelgauptas, Prof. Sergejus Okrusko, and Prof. Petras Geniušas. Under the Erasmus exchange program, he interned at the Hamburg University of Music (under Prof. Volker Banfield). As a soloist, he has participated in more than 20 international and national competitions, many of which he has won or been highly recognized. The pianist has gained extensive experience performing with orchestras and chamber ensembles. Expanding his musical interests and competencies, he continuously plays in jazz, rock, and other genre bands, participates in festivals and musical projects, and engages in arranging and composition. His creative ideas are supported by an excellent team – his brothers, multi-instrumentalists Mykolas and Benediktas. He shares his accumulated experience by teaching at Juozas Gruodis Conservatory and lecturing at Kaunas University of Technology. In 2017, Motiejus earned a doctorate in arts from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. The pianist continues to delve into research fields related to the interaction between academic and non-academic music performance practices, as well as possibilities for improving piano construction.

59th Summer of Piano Music 2024.06.02 – 2024.08.28

VšĮ Impetus musicus
M. K. Čiurlionio namai-muziejus

Kauno J. Naujalio muzikos gimnazija
Šiaulių S. Sondeckio muzikos gimnazija
Klaipėdos S. Šimkaus konservatorija
Nacionalinė M.K. Čiurlionio menų mokykla
Vilniaus J. Tallat-Kelpšos konservatorija

Lietuvos kultūros taryba
Druskininkų miesto savivaldybė
Nacionalinis M. K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus

Meant for audience:  kids , teenagers , adults , seniors
The event took place:
2024 August 07
Duration 2 hr