59 Piano Summer | Pianist Guoda Gedvilaitė

"The 59th Summer of Piano Music" - a piano music festival fostering the tradition of sharing music created by the composer and artist M.K. Čiurlionis himself - invites you to return to the apple orchard again!

Like every year, from Midsummer to September, on Wednesday and Saturday of every week, the most famous Lithuanian pianists of all generations will invite the audience to the apple orchard of the Čiurlionis House-Museum in Druskininkai and present their latest creative pursuits. One of them is the Lithuanian "Clara Schumann", pianist GUODA GEDVILAITĖ


Carl REINECKE (1824–1910)
„Pietų kraštų fantastinės pjesės“ op. 86 (1865)
„Po kiparisais“
„Neapolio mandolinininkas“

Mikalojus Konstantinas ČIURLIONIS (1875–1911)
Trys preliudai viena tema b-moll, VL 269-271 (1904– 06)

Gabriel FAURE (1845–1924)
Impromptu op. 25 (1881/2)
Impromptu op. 31 (1883) Impromptu op. 34 (1883)

Maurice RAVEL (1875–1837)
„Alborada del grazioso“ iš „Miroirs“(1905)
„Pavane pour une infante défunte“ (1899)
„La Valse“ (1920, poeme choregraphique pour orchestre)


TICKETS for 3 and 5 euros can be purchased before the concert at the Čiurlionios house-museum, Čiurlionios st. 35, Druskininkai.


Pianist Guoda Gedvilaitė – the Lithuanian "Clara Schumann" is characterized by her vivid musical ideas and exceptional performance. G. Gedvilaitė graduated from the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. She has been teaching and living with her family in Frankfurt since 2002. A winner and laureate of ten international piano competitions, she actively performs as a soloist, chamber music partner, and soloist with orchestras. She boldly experiments and often challenges established classical music conventions. Her stage partners include not only renowned classical musicians but also actors, ballet dancers, and jazz instrumentalists. The concert series inspired by the pianist, "Clara Schumann Salon," invites audiences to travel back to the 19th century, meet the geniuses of the Romantic era, and enjoy their music. The annual meetings at the Clara Schumann Salons in Lithuania and Germany have already become a tradition. This spring, full of new ideas and sparkling energy, the pianist successfully realized her dream by organizing a colorful music festival, "The Play of Sparkling Sparks," at Vilnius Town Hall. Guoda Gedvilaitė's concert programs are always original, full of fantasy and interpretive freedom. She never forgets to include the works of lesser-known but brilliant and valuable female composers in her programs, thus promoting their legacy. Later this year, the pianist plans to release her ninth album (Genuin record company), featuring music by Baroque masters. 

For her significant, active, and creative work in nurturing and spreading professional art in the Druskininkai resort, initiating and organizing innovative cultural events for the residents and guests of the resort, supporting young Lithuanian talents, and promoting the names of Lithuania and Druskininkai worldwide, Guoda Gedvilaitė was awarded the highest cultural honor in Druskininkai in 2022 – the Culture Promoter's Award.

"59 Summer of Piano Music"  2024.06.02 - 2024.08.28

VšĮ Impetus musicus
M. K. Čiurlionio namai-muziejus

Kauno J. Naujalio muzikos gimnazija
Šiaulių S. Sondeckio muzikos gimnazija
Klaipėdos S. Šimkaus konservatorija
Nacionalinė M.K. Čiurlionio menų mokykla
Vilniaus J. Tallat-Kelpšos konservatorija

Lietuvos kultūros taryba
Druskininkų miesto savivaldybė
Nacionalinis M. K. Čiurlionio dailės muziejus

Meant for audience:  kids , teenagers , adults , seniors
The event took place:
2024 August 14
Duration 2 hr