Druskininkai summer with M. K. Čiurlionis | "What would I like to tell Čiurlionis today?"


Petras Geniušas (piano)

Charismatic and unpredictable grand piano player Petras Geniušas, next to the German genius R. Schumann, specially prepared the cycle "Bunte Blätter" ("Varied leaves") and gives a special gift to the XXI international arts festival "Druskininkų vasara with Čiurlionis" - solo improvisations based on the works of M. K. Čiurlionis "What would I like to tell Čiurlionis today?".

The performer has been "sick" with the "improvisational virus" for several years now, and the audience already had the opportunity to enjoy P. Geniuš's new ideas with the masters of this genre V. Čekasinas, L. Mockūnas and others.

P. Geniušas was born in a family of musicians in Vilnius. Studied with prof. Jurgis Karnavičiau at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, later at prof. Vera Gornostajev at the Moscow Conservatory. Having won several top awards in prestigious piano competitions (among them - 2nd prize at the Pilar Bayona Piano Competition in Zaragoza (1989); 1st prize at the Y.C.A.A. International Piano Competition in Oberlin and 3rd prize at the A.M.S.A. World Piano Competition in Cincinnati (1991); 1st prize at the Palm In the Bych International Guest Pianists Competition (1992)), he established himself as one of the most talented and mature pianists of his generation. While continuing his regular concert activities in Lithuania, P. Geniušas also earned international recognition for his performances in more than forty countries and in the world's most famous concert halls - the Great Hall of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic, the Alice Tully and Avery Fisher halls of the Lincoln Center in New York, Tokyo's Geijitsu Geikijo and the Vienna Musikverein. His innate curiosity encourages him not to limit himself to the experience and activities of a classical pianist, so he tirelessly expands his musical horizons - from the English virginalists and the folklore of various nations of the world to avant-garde music, jazz and electronics. In return, all these interests enrich the pianist's own practice of classical music. Next to cultivated musical taste, technique and sensitivity to sound, this is one of the most valuable qualities of this pianist.

For his extensive concert and creative activities, P. Geniušas was awarded the Lithuanian National Art and Culture Prize (1992) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Prize (2004). in 2011 the pianist was awarded the honorary badge of the Ministry of Culture "Carry your light and believe", and in 2015 - Knight's Cross of the Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania.

Tickets: https://bit.ly/Geniušas

The event will be filmed, photographed and publicized.

Organizer: Druskininkai Cultural Center
Concert partner: Druskininkai M. K. Čiurlionis Art School
Financed by: Lithuanian Culture Council and Druskininkai Municipality
The organizer of the festival: Lithuanian Musician Support Fund

Meant for audience:  kids , teenagers , adults , seniors