The beloved, exceptionally talented singer Eugenijus Chrebtovas has prepared a spirited, warm program called "Summer Retro," featuring popular songs by F. Sinatra, D. Martin, and E. Presley, alongside compositions from the golden collection of Lithuanian music by B. Gorbulskis, S. Povilaitis, M. Novikas, and other authors.

The performer continues his tradition of inviting audiences to his concerts in Lithuanian manors and other special locations throughout the summer. He has already given a concert at Bistrampolis Manor, and soon the audience will be able to enjoy his concerts at Užutrakis, Taujėnai, and Liepalingis manors, as well as at the Liudvikas Rėza Cultural Center's summer stage.

During these unique concerts, listeners will have the exceptional opportunity to travel back several decades, sing along, clap, and sway to the swing rhythm, enjoying music that is well-known and instantly recognizable from the very first notes.

More information:https://www.bilietai.lt/.../eugenijus-chrebtovas-vasaros.../

Meant for audience:  teenagers , adults , seniors