Tradicinė druskininkiečių menininkų paroda "1"

The Druskininkai City Museum traditionally invites artists from various fields at the end of the year: painters, designers, sculptors, photographers, poets, composers, musicians to a joint event, where the participants are united by a proudly spoken sign of identity: "I am from Druskininkai!"
This exhibition spreads the message to the guests of Druskininkai that interesting people live and create in Druskininkai. The idea of ​​the exhibition is 1️ (one) artist from Druskininkai, who comes from them or now lives in the resort, presents 1️ (one) his work, which he thinks best reflects his work.
We kindly invite all residents of Druskininkai and guests of the resort to enjoy each other's works, visit the Museum and, most importantly, the traditional exhibition of Druskininkai artists "1"!

Meant for audience:  kids , teenagers , adults , seniors
The event took place:
2024 December 30
Duration 45 d.
Place type Museums
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